#Plus 1
Beyond my Sky
The same old hope staggers slowly from the sky,
passing by in the warm glow of a stranger’s eyes.
While the wind keeps telling stories of that place,
so familiar, so alien, so far away, beyond my sky.
And on his back come all these well known voices,
all those prayers, curses, vows and pleas.
They haunt me night by night – and inmidst:
Your gentleness, your thin-skinned gentleness. You.
Please sing your song for me.
Take me on a ride around our lost old place
where Georgie once blew the horn.
Let me see, how cool life used to be.
Cause I don’t know anymore.
Love is as far away as the hawk’s hunting call,
like the smell of warm skin and rain on the sand.
I’ve missed your smile for so long, I’m afraid I’ll forget it.
But this mustn’t happen, this mustn’t happen. Not at all.
I’m freezing here like before only on a desert night,
but when your longing pours from the sky,
I can clearly see the warmth in the stranger’s eyes,
so clear, so close, so bright – so bright.
Please sing your song for me.
Let me hear the kids laugh, loud and louder,
and the bossy cat, how he meows the dogs to flight.
Tell me now how easy life will be.
Make me believe again.
The same old hope staggers slowly from the sky,
passing by in the warm glow of a stranger’s eyes.
But I cannot stay, cannot stay, may not stay.
I’m moving on while you sing beyond my sky …